ALD Action Logistics Deutschland Group of Companies, Incorporated, due to German laws registered, and in the city of Düsseldorf headquartered company, is organized as a privately owned firm, devoted to world class services. The firm supports managers analyse problems, recommend practical solutions, and, as required, to help implement their recommendations.
Fields covered by our advisory work include objectives, policies, strategies, contracting & admin, organization, and the principal functional or operating areas of primary industries, producing industry, industrial and commercial enterprises, government and quasigovernment agencies. The firm quality portofolio is primarily composed of worldwide cooperating partners.
ALD Action Logistics Deutschland Group of Companies, Inc., as members of the German Chamber of Commerce and its Business Networkers, underlie a rigid code of ethics to which members are required to subscribe. Membership in The German Chamber of Commerce is a recognized mark of experience, stability, international reliability, and competence. And, as is true in every profession, some firms are more scrupulous in their standards of conduct and practice than others - so our Group of Companies.